Monday, May 25, 2015

HMR and cooking... actual cooking?

I started on the HMR diet about 4 weeks ago and I was gung ho about the "all shakes" diet. Sounds great, right? No food shopping, no food prep, no cooking... so much free time! But while it is working for some of my group mates, it made me really really unhappy and I felt like garbage the whole time. So I transitioned to the 3 shakes/2 entrees/5 fruit & veg plan after a week and have felt so much better and have still been successful in losing weight.

So what is my problem now? I am used to eating a varied and fun range of foods, which are no longer "part of the plan". I am also used to my meals being incredibly delicious, so I don't like to give into bland, boring food just because I am staying "on plan". I am trying to commit to following the plan, but I have to do something to make the plan more interesting because it is not holding my taste buds' interest or attention at the moment.

I am planning to use this blog as way to explore options in deconstructing, reinventing and expanding the variety of dishes that you can make within my HMR plan. Microwaving the meals just isn't as satisfying as cooking a real meal with them, and coming out with something that doesn't feel like a restriction.

There may be a couple of bumps in the road, but I have never been afraid of my mistakes, so I plan to post my dos, don'ts, and never agains.

It does appear that there are different versions of the HMR diet out there, and so these may not extend to everyone. But hey, I gotta do me. Hopefully it might give some ideas to other folks that are out there googling recipes like crazy, as I was for my first couple of weeks.

Disclaimer: the plan I am following does allow for 60 calories of whatever you want additional per day, and I expect to use those calories quite frequently. Pan lubricants and emulsifiers are essential to non-disappointing cooking!

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