Monday, May 25, 2015

Cucumber Hummus

Hummus is a delicious and filling dish, but chickpeas on their own can be pretty calorie and carb heavy. I found this recipe for a version with cucumber blended in, which turned out to be much lighter and still very good.

This recipe is super easy and quick (assuming you have a food processor/blender) and I was able to make it with stuff I already had in the house, no shopping required... Yes, I did have tahini lying around, I suppose everyone might not... but it is also a non-essential ingredient should you not want to buy a jar of it for this one thing.

You will find that I am not big on measuring my ingredients, so sometimes I will include amounts and sometimes not... you can always take a look at the inspiration recipe for exactitude.

Canned chickpeas, rinsed (about 2/3 of the can)
Roughly chopped cucumber (about 1/2 of a large one)
2 garlic cloves (I like garlic)
Dried dill, fresh would probably be better
Lemon juice (2 tbsp or so)
Tahini (1 tbsp or so)
Olive oil (a small drizzle, maybe 1/2 a tsp)
Salt & pepper
Paprika to garnish

Throw everything in the blender except the paprika, and blend! Scoop into your bowl and sprinkle with paprika (and a tiny bit extra olive oil if you are a freaking dare devil like me) and serve with vegetable crudites.

I brought this to a family gathering yesterday and it went over pretty well with the whole crowd, including my mother who had never had hummus before in any form.

I think this is a pretty successful snack or side dish. It's not the most exciting thing in the world, but it is pretty dern good. It should keep for a few days, and last for a few meals. Four out of five stars, would make again... maybe with lime juice or something!

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