Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Enchilada Beef Soup

I enjoy making soup. Sometimes I enjoy making it more than I enjoy eating it, but that is beside the point. And not the case with this soup, because it was great. I honestly can't remember what inspired this, but it was probably something like wishing for something beefy that wasn't a slimy mess.

Ingredients (makes 2 servings)
Enchilada filling scooped out of HMR Enchilada entree (could use 2)
3 cups of water
1 beef bouillon cube
Caramelized onions & bell peppers (I had leftovers from a previous meal)
Rice from a Savory Chicken or BBQ Chicken entree
Green onions

Scooping the filing out of the enchilada entree was a little gross, but easy enough. I saved the rest of the entree for another time (a less than stellar attempt at "chips" and salsa, not worth the work).

I brought the water to a boil with the bouillon cube, dissolving it, and then added the beef filling. Once that was simmering I added the veg, and then shortly after, the rice. It simmered for another 10 minutes or so for the flavors to do their thang, and then voila!

I would totally make this again. The bouillon cube added so much flavor for only 10 calories, and it tastes so different than what you start with, which is a welcome change.

Deconstructing the entrees into their component parts and then using them to make other recipes is quickly becoming a staple of my HMR plan. It is a survival technique for me because I can't keep eating the same things over and over. And I didn't even bust out the crazy spices on this one! Garam masala in everything!

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